Tenancy Protection Lifts Wellbeing for Vulnerable Families

Whānau and families will sleep better at night knowing their homes can’t be taken away from them without good reason thanks to the new residential tenancies law, says the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG).

"Worry about keeping a roof over their children’s head can cause toxic stress for parents, particularly those on low incomes," says CPAG housing spokesperson Frank Hogan. "Parents are less likely to complain about substandard housing if there’s a chance they’ll get kicked out for asking for their children’s rights to warm, dry, healthy homes."

In addition, CPAG expects the Act will lower student transience and increase the proportion of families living in healthy homes.

"We welcome the new law for helping to reduce stress, and to increase security, confidence and wellbeing for vulnerable whānau and families," said Hogan.