Overworked and Overlooked: CPAG Student Employment Toolbox

In February 2024, CPAG launched the research report Overloaded and Overlooked: Investigating How Poverty Drives School Students into Paid Work which raised concerns that an increasing number of school-aged students were taking on excessive hours of paid work on top of their school work.

The last time New Zealand school students in paid work were subject to governmental research was in 2010 by the Department of Labour – which no longer exists.

Current monitoring and assessment of the issue is de-coupled between different ministries and treated as separate issues. As of early 2024, Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) has plans on young people’s successful transition from education into employment, and the Ministry of Education has plans to assist with their educational engagement.

It is unclear whether these approaches are coordinated and strategic or are siloed or perhaps even contradict one another. It is also unclear whether either of the approaches considers poverty as a driver of youth behaviour.